Volunteer Opportunities
The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word “volunteer” as: A person who performs or offers to perform a service voluntarily. What a great concept. We could not function on a daily basis without our caring, committed volunteers. Thank you ALL for the selfless acts of kindness you show the animals of the RCHS every day. Volunteers are an integral part of the Robeson County Humane Society.
To become a volunteer, we have an application and an approx. 20 minute orientation class that we have on Thursdays at 4pm. You will need to call us the week before to confirm which day you'd like to take the class.
We use volunteers in every department, including:
Animal Intake
Answering Phones
Cleaning Cat Cages
Cleaning Kennels
Cleaning Offices
Data Entry Services
Dog Playground Rotation
Feeding/Watering Animals
Front Desk
Grant Writing
Legislative Services
Playing with cats and dogs
Secretarial Services
Spay/Neuter Transport
Veterinary Services (vet tech certification/training required)
Veterinary Transport
Volunteer Coordination/Scheduling
Walking Dogs
For additional information on Volunteer opportunities,